


tag 9 friends:


- would you rather be blind or deaf?

; deaf i guess?

- would you lose an arm or a leg?

; i prefer arm..

- would you rather become uglier or stupider?

; uhm..stupider?

- would you rather be more rich or attractive?

; attractive xD

- would you rather be blonde or brunette?

; brunette..

- would you rather have a third eye in the middle or a horn in a middle of your head?

; a horn in a middle of my head..hahah!

- would you rather it be winter forever or summer forever?

;hhmmm..winter forever?

- if you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, would it be sweet or salt?

; of course sweett..

- if you could choose a super power, would you rather be able to fly or move objects?

; can i have both?:D

- if you had to be an animal, would you rather live in the ocean or on the land?

; in the ocean..

- i've come to realise that....

; i missed the person more when he's not around..

- i am listening to...

; meself typing..hehe

- maybe i should...

; study more harder..:D

- i love...

; everyone..^^

- the best day of my life was...

; being with the people i love..

- i dont understand..

; them.

- i've lost...

; notyngg..

- the meaning of my screen name is...

; whooott??

- love...

; is like a rosary..full of mysteries?:D

- somewhere, someone is

; enjoying and having fun?

- i will always...

; love youu..

- forever seems...

; amazing..?

- i never want to...

; go to phils..and fail my exams

- my mobile phone is/are...

; nowhere to be found..hehe

- i believe that...

; i could

- i get annoyed when...

; im not in the mood!

- i am better...

; in something which i dont know:DD

- i fear that...

; something bad would happen someday!

- kisses are the best when...

; uhmm..u got kiss?

- today i...

; cooked spaghetti..yummy!

- tonight i will...

; study for my first test!

- tomorrow i will...

; be having singing audition for the english month at school.

- i really want to...

; pass my exams!

- would you get back with your last ex if you could?

; donthave one..

- what kind of shirts are you wearing?

; a shirt of course?!

- would you kiss anyone in your friend's list?

; nuhuhhh

- do you have 'a thing' on your top friend list?

; huh?!what thing?i dont get uu..

- how many people on your list do you know in real life?

; most;y all of them.

- do you have a good relationship with both of your parents?

; definitely yes!

- would you ever make out with someone of the same sex?

; nowayyyy

- what did you do for your last b-day?

; went for choir practice and ate at pasar with friends!

- what time did you wake up today?

; 7 ish..

- what were you doing at midnight three nights ago?

; i was sleeping..heheh

- do you like having your hair pulled?

; nopes!

- name something you cant wait to do?

; hug him when he gets back.

- last time you saw your mom?

; 1 seconds ago..

- what is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?

; the colour of my skin..

- if you had 250,000 dollars... what would you do with it?

;buy some stuffs and donate it..

- how long have you been at your current job?

; dont have any..

- have you ever talked to tom?

; who's tom?

- describe what underwear are you wearing

; uhmm..peach in colour?

- last thing you ate..

; spaghetti with cheese!

- what's your favourite months?

; february,may,july,september,november and december!i think all of the months.tehee..

- your least months?

; like i said..nothing!haha

- whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?

; shirt?

- who is getting on your nerves right now?

; noooneee

- most visited website?

; facebook!

- last person you text messaged?

; melissa?

- last person to make you sad?

; himm..?

- would you take a bullet for your friend?

; depends..

- favourite kind of drink?

; h2O!

- if someone you hated died, what would you do?

i think i'll cry..because the someone isnt there anymore?


okay finally i get to blog something rather than nothing else..and i forgot goodluck sarah for your cantor thing!you can do it!i believe youu:DD..

gotta go now..
till next time..


ahhhhhhhhhhh...finally i get to use the computer!hahah!XDD
okayy that was lamee...xD
well sorry for not blogging..because busy with the national day stuff and final it's over which means no turning blackss againn..heheh
well from now on i'lll be blogging like once a week like what happened during the days and not everyday because im kinda lazy blogging stuff everyday..(A)

starting now..(16th-24th february):)

went to regina's ballet and dance studio at about 6:30 to 8:30 and saw one of my classmates there i mean at cfbt cause it was near there so yeah.we(manny ,me and mellie!)went there because ate chai said that we were goonnnaa perform on a wedding?so yeah.when we went there we met a new guy named kuya eryll?he was a good dancer..hehe and ate chai teached us the dance..i like the dance was really coolieess!xD
and not to mention first day rehersal at stadium(marching) its a good thing it wasnt hot that day..

17th Tuesday..
there goes the marching stuff again at stadium and not to mention the hot weather.goshh!jadi hitammm again!its a good thing when we came back to school we didnt have any classes but then in the afternoon there was classes ..

18th Wednesday
Marching again with all the panas weather and all that and yeah i forgot to mention we saw naz and his twin red and edward too and some of my friends..john,jerome?well yyeah it's been a long time since i saw them..haha!:)and yeah i was alif's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIF!i mean tito..XP kidding!well yeah it's a good thing there was no afternoon classes but i had to stay back because it was alif's birthday and he asked me that we wwill be eating at the canteen celeebrating..
then my mmmm ko..went to school,i was happy he came and we took pictures and stuffs and went back home at about 3pm..then after i went home mmmmm ko was there and we went to mel's house and talk stuffs!then he had to go home so yeah..:)

19th thursday
it wsa dress rehearsal and we had to wear our school uniform rather that wearing our pe' was really hot that day it's like inside the oven(though i never been to the oven haha)
no afternnon classes..

20th Friday...
i didnt went for band practice..because i had extra classes in the morning(poa).

21th Saturday..
as usual dress rehearsal again ..and twas my classmate's birthday..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIZAH!xD and i went to band practice becuse the next day after that we have our youth breakfast sale!and after going home me and mellie planning to have dress rehearsal for vanessa;s sweet sixteen party..heheheh.

22th Sunday..
went to church at around 6:45 to set up the band and also went for morning mass..then went help out to sell food..heheh.and that afternoon we went to manny's house to dress up and go together to vanessa's bday..and i forgot HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN VANESSA!
the party was cooolieess but at that time i wasn t in the mood for dancing because for some reason..

23th Monday..
National day..the hot weather.. marching infront of his HM!and i got sunburned on my face even my arms..hahaha!and it was siti's bday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY SITI!lots of february's birthday right..?hahah after national day i went home and slept for like straight 6 hourss..didnt know i could sleep that long but i remember there was one time i slept for like 24 hours.xDD

24th Tuesday..
I was quite sad going to school today because he had to go to phils because of the wedding yeah.i bet some of you know who i was talking about.hehe!well i'll try my best not to be sad..but then it's hard you know..but he'll be coming in two weeks thou i think i can take that:)*smile*:)
and finally i was able to make it through the day..hehe

so i think that's all for now..its a good thing i still remember what happened this few weeks..HAHAH!well gtg now.. xD




HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KUYA SEAN!!heheh..kuya miss ka na namin mga kapatid dito:D ingats always kuya!we all love you..nakss!HAHAH!




marching againn tomorrow..haizz..i dont want to get dark.HAHAH!well that's all for now.imm tiredd..



We had this lion dance thingy today at school where the lion would go to each class and get the ang pao from the class..the funny thing about today that when it was the lion's turn to get in to our class to get the ang pao(red packet..btw!)my classmates especially the guys..they put the ang pao right in the centre of the celling fan!but then the fan wasnt what we do is that all of us shouted'on the fan!on the fan!on the fan!' but our teacher was like hey!cannot!but then..when our teacher was like trying to turn on the lights.because the light were off that time so that it could be dark and the lion woeldnt see where the ang pao is..but then it was day yeah!xDD

well anyways when the teacher was trying to turn on the light..she accidentally switch on the fan..we were like..wohoo!!finally its on!i know mean rightt..XPP but then i dont think our teacher accidentally on it was PURPOSELY on!we were all like laughing because the lion cant reach the ang pao and when the ceiling started turning and turning..the bad thing was it fell down on the what we did was one of my classmates took the ang pao right from the floor and pass it to one another so that the lion would go here and there but then at last we gave it to the lion..

After the lion thing went out our classmates said that there was no money inside the ang pao.I was like''really?!' they were all laughing and said really bah..dont know where the money is..i said..ohhhkayyy!!xD Then we had chemistry after that..i Like chemistry a easy especially the isomers thingy and the ANE,ENE,OL ending..with the general formula CnH2(n)=1OH..okay i'll stop talking chemistry..HAHAHAH!xDD

didnt ate lucnch..=/ after afternoon classes me and mel went to church and took the famine forms and then went to first emporium to buy breads..but then the wholemeal bread wasnt there so we had to walk to angel bakery and bought two of it!and went home na..


i'm kinda hungryy righttt now!i want to eat but then there's nothing to eat and there's no ice cubes at the fridge which i always chew on if nada food..dont even know what to cook..
wondering what will be on dinner tonight.


band practice tomoroow:D dont know if i'll be coming tomorrow..depends la tomorrow:)well on saturday..the mall!and then the kids for christ too at about 8-10:D i do miss the kids it's been a long time since i've seen them..


well right now im listening to music..just random songs.hehe:DD well i think i better be off now..coz there's chores to do and food to eat.hehe i do hope that the foodie is tastieXDD

*officially missing mikey's owner;)

well bye for now..and mel i'll do your tagged tyngy next time..aights.xD
and i forgot happy advanced advanced valentine's day to everyone..i know it's so early but cant help it;)



to sarrrr:)

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/ her.

1. She's pwettyyy;)
2. She's good at dancing!as in reallyy good!
3. she has a nice voice!lead singer kali ahh..:D
4. she can be funny at times!
5. She likes chocolates?
6. She pouts whenever she's taking a picture?:D
7. she's the red house cheerleader?a think?:DD
8. She has dogs:D hehe..
9. fun to be with..
10. and she's special..

The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/ herself.

1. Likes purple and red a lot;)
2. likes eating sweet and sour fish
3. animal lover..:D
4.chews on icecubes when there is nothing left to eat.
5. likes drawing a lot when there is free time and things to draw HEHE!
6. I laugh a lot..
7. likes singing and dancing
8. listening to music..
9. play the guitar or sometimes go jamming with mel with there's free time:D
10. <3 mikey's owner;)

At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

Actually i dont know who to tagg because i think most of them have been tagged by think i want to tag mel back!!xDD